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Gra Wizardry 6 Bane of the Cosmic Forge | PC

06.04.2018 21:03

Szósta - i przy tym znacząco zmodernizowana w porównaniu do poprzednich - odsłona Serii Wizardry, olschoolowych dungeon crawlerów od Sir-Tech. Kierujemy się sześcioosobową drużyną - złożoną z przedstawicieli licznych ras i licznych klas dostępnych do wyboru - do pobliskiego zamku w celu rozwiązania jego tajemnic (i zgarnięcia jakże ważnego lootu). Gra jest typowym przedstawicielem swojego gatunku z tymi elementami, które kiedyś wydawały się standardowe a dziś nie do końca. Po pierwsze manual to podstawa bo bez gruntownego jego przeczytania skończy się na pierwszej walce. Dlaczego? Gra jest cholernie ciężka, stopień trudności nawet na najniższym poziomie to jak Dark Soulsy obecnie. Manual ma bagatela 130 stron :) Gra była robiona przez jednego człowieka, więc warstwa graficzna czy muzyczna (muzyki brak) nawet na rok 1990 była już dated (mimo tego, że była to pierwsza gra z serii, która posiadała kolorową grafikę). Jednakże jako dungeon crawler jest znakomita. Dużo ras i klas do wyboru, mnóstwo lootu - wszelakiego rodzaju uzbrojenia, części zbroi (zbroja składa się z wielu elementów), przedmiotów zwykłych i magicznych, zwojów i ksiąg magicznych, potionów. Mamy mnóstwo statystyk, umiejętności, możliwości różnorodnego rodzaju ataków. Gra jest w miarę długa (grałem w nią bite 90 godzin). Doprawdy bardzo dobra gra. Przy takim założeniu, że wiesz co oznacza granie w grę z 1990 roku.

14.05.2018 15:58
1 odpowiedź

Niezła przygoda muszę przyznać.
Nielubiany moment? Błądzenie po kopalniach (Dwarven Mines przy Giants Mountains), raz udało mi się wydostać to potem okazało się, że muszę wrócić by latać po tych korytarzach i zbić jakiś kamień czarodziejski z 4 stron. Noszkurkabelle...

Bywały momenty ciężkie ale te momenty uporczywe dawały się najbardziej we znaki. Część z nich udało się pokonać przez kombinowanie i szukanie ale część musiałem pokonać z poradnikiem ale przy tak trudnej grze to nie jest żadna ujma bo przygoda była świetna.

Nie mogę się doczekać by zaimportować moją ekipę do Wizardry7, by potem zwieńczyć moje dokonania w Wizardry8.
Szkoda że takich gier już nie robią, w tym względnie segment indie zawiódł mnie sromotnie (za co nim pogardzam trochę, ileż można tych 2d platformówek czy pixelowatych szrotów trzaskać).
Co do grafiki - może i brzydka i kolorystycznie monotonne to i tak lepsze niż niektóre pretensjonalne produkcje indie.

Napotkałem dwa poważne bugi. W jednym musiałem grać bez dźwięków i muzyki bo co jakiś czas gra się zatrzymywała zupełnie. W drugim jeden z członków drużyny został sparaliżowany ale tak mocno że leczenie czarami, miksturami i odpoczynkiem nie pomagało.

Ostatni etap był zaskakująco znośny. Co prawda używałem metody save/load (savescumming) by nie nadziewać się na rzucających czary przeciwników (to mnie irytuje w Wizardry, że wybieranie czarów jest utrudnione) bo nie miałem Silence, a o luksusie w postaci Magic Screen mogłem zapomnieć.

post wyedytowany przez zanonimizowany768165 2018-05-14 15:59:25
19.01.2021 16:43

Znasz jakieś spolszczenie do VI ?

19.01.2021 18:28
1 odpowiedź

Jest spolszczenie do tej gry ?

19.01.2021 18:30

Nie ma spolszczenia.
Jedynie Wizardry 8 miało polską wersję ale tylko w wersji pudełkowej.

widzę że skaczesz po komentarzach do starych RPGów z pytaniem o spolszczenia a odpowiedź na to jest jedna.
Nie ma go.

Zdajesz sobie sprawę że to ogromne gry? Z masą tekstu? Jak nie tłumaczył tego CD Projekt i jemu podobni to nie ma najczęściej spolszczenia. A najczęściej na GOGu taka gra nie posiada polskiej wersji z sobie znanych powodów...

A raczej mało komu się nudzi na tyle by to tłumaczyć samemu albo z ekipą bo - niespodzianka! - tłumaczy brakuje.
Do modów i gier.

post wyedytowany przez zanonimizowany768165 2021-01-19 18:33:29
28.02.2021 15:33
1 odpowiedź

Jak ktoś chce to jest nieoficjalna automapa do gry.
W stare gry mogę grać ale brak mapy jest wyjątkiem - muszę się posiłkować nimi.

28.02.2021 15:51

Fajna sprawa ta mapka do Wizardry 6 i 7 oraz Eye of the Beholder 1-3 do wersji GOG.

Eye of the Beholder 1 i 2 są po polsku w wersji Amigowej, ale tam nie idzie dograć mapki :)
Na 100% na company EotB 1 w wersji v3.0 będzie po polsku jak przywrócą, bo wersja v2.5 była po polsku, ale nie działa na Win10.

post wyedytowany przez Wiedźmin 2021-02-28 15:55:37
09.02.2023 10:45

Niejaki DFortae przeportował Wizardy 6 na silnik siódmej części.

Zmian jest sporo bo to nie jest zwykły port. Fajna ciekawostka ale nie ma szans bym w to zagrał - brak czasu i moda dodającego automapę.

This is the DFortae Wizardry 6 Re-master. Purpose:

1) Remake Wizardry 6 using the Wizardry 7 game engine.
2) Make Wizardry 6-8 appear more seamless
3) Provide a extra options/strategies for players.
4) Correct issues with the game.
5) Balance player power, races, classes, difficulty, etc.

The Fighter class no longer takes double damage from most weapons (this was a bug in the original game because ''Fighter'' was the first item in the ''Slays'' drop down list).

There are also other numerous bug fixes made that were present in the original version of the game (some are spoilers, so I won''t mention them here).

Removed "Throw" attack mode for all items that had other modes (Swing, Thrust, etc), so that they don''t get accidentally thrown.

Removed the "Melee" (called Berzerk in Wizardry 8) attack mode from almost all weapons. Instead, the weapon''s base damage was adjusted to provide similar results. The main reason for this is because Fighters do not have the "Melee" (Berzerk) attack in Wizardry 6 and 7.

Adjusted most existing items in Wizardry 6, 7, and 8 to be more like 8, but sometimes the reverse is true.

There have been adjustments to some of the existing items in the game. This is either to balance, or make more consistent with the Mods from Wizardry 7 and 8. Some class or race adjustments have also been made for balancing.

Made ranged, missile, and throwing weapons be more powerful in general with critical hits (and sometimes KO attacks). This is to help offset the fact that even though they can have multiple attacks, they can''t have multiple swings.

There are countless new items added to the game. Many of these items were created for the Wizardry 8 Mod, and have been "back ported" to Wizardry 6 and 7. These new items can be transfered from Wizardry 6 to 7 (via the latest DFortae Mods), as well as Wizardry 8 (again, appropriate DFortae Mod). A lot of the more powerful items are only obtainable through monster drops via combat. The drops are usually applicable to the monster''s class, but not always.

Price adjustments have been made on many items, in order to balance them.

Some cursed items from the original game may have special benefits now.

Note: Quite a few items may permanently increase an attribute or skill. This is different than Wizardry 8 where the item only gives those bonuses while equipped. However, the disadvantage is the item will disappear if all those charges are used! Make sure to save the game before using up all the charges to prevent the item from disappearing.

The Wizardry 6-8 trilogy is amazing, and wouldn''t it be great to be able to keep what you earned throughout the entire series??? My ultimate goal is to even make a handcrafted import tool that will take your characters from Wizardry 8 and port them back to 6, thus making it full circle! But that is a long ways off and I may never get the time.

There have been many Bard instruments added to the game. The Bard was always an oddball having only a few instruments available in Wizardry 6, but also casting Thaumaturgy spells. The Bard no longer casts spells, but instead has many more instruments at their disposal. Some are "set" and guaranteed finds (or at least guaranteed if you know where to look), others can be found randomly in chests or monster drops.

Angel''s Tongue (Bless)
Superhorn (Superman)
Jericho Horn (Armormelt)
Horn of Phantoms (Phantom Darts)
Silent Lyre (Silence)
Bullroarer (Whirlwind)
Weaving Harp (Web)
Lyre of Haste (Haste)
Lyre of Healing (Heal Wounds)
Siren''s Wail (Insanity)
Lute of Iron Skin (Armorshield)
Lute of Love (Hypnotize)
Fiddle of Holding (Paralyze)
Lyre of Healing (Heal Wounds)
Frost Horn (Frost)
Flute of Enchantmnt. (Enchanted Blade)
Flute of Wounding (Make Wounds)
Ailment Calmer (Cure Lesser Conditions)
Ethereal Horn (Blink)
Lute of Haze (Noxious Fumes)
Lute of Missiles (Magic Missiles)
Lyre of Voids (Anti-magic)
Banshee''s Howl (Instant Death)
Cornu of Demon Spawn (Astral Gate)
Succubus Song (Lifesteal)
Infernal Horn (Nuclear Blast)

All extended weapons have had their initiative adjusted by -2 and chance to hit by -2.

Bishops now start with a Bishop''s Wand, which has unlimited Remove Curse ability. This is to give them Remove Curse ability similar to Bishops in Wizardry 8. It can only be used by Bishops, so don''t try to give it to another class!

Many new scrolls were added to make the Scribe skill useful. Scrolls have 4 charges instead of 1, and are cheaper in general, compared to an artifact. Almost all scrolls are Power Level 4.

Adjusted some of the summoned monsters from spells, in order to make them more balanced.

Increased the max number of enemies per group for some encounters.

Updated encounter types in various areas.

Adjusted some monster attack areas based on their height or type of attack (dwarves more likely to hit lower on the body for example). The game already did this, but it was tweaked a bit.

Adjusted resistances of the races to more closely resemble Wizardry 8. Since the resistances are more granular in Wizardry 6, had to loosely associate. Also adjusted resistances on certain monsters, like making flying creatures more vulnerable to Air.

Adjusted some spell point regeneration, and when spells can be learned by Hybrids and Elites.

Adjusted spell casting for hybrids. They now start learning spells much earlier, but only get a new spell every 2 levels. This will help make "pure" casters (i.e. Mage, Priest, Psionic, Alchemist) have an advantage and not become useless compared to the Hybrids/Elites mid to late game. It will decrease the overall spell point pool for Hybrids/Elites, but allow them to be somewhat useful with spellcasting early on (in case a player wants to try a party with no "pure" casters).

Made spellbooks increase spellpoints in the associated magic realm, when a spell is scribed.

Adjusted some available skills for a few classes, like Priests and Bishops can now have Throwing and Wand&Dagger (they don''t use daggers, but there are a few wands they can use).

Adjusted Death resistance to all monsters based on their level. This is to nerf "Critical Hit" ability (i.e. Kirijutsu and weapon kill chance) in the game (was overpowered), as well as "instant deaths". It has only been nerfed for the player, monsters will still have the same chance of instant kills. Basically all monsters have 4% chance per monster level, to resist direct Critical Hits (except for summons, they are 1% per level). For example, a level 3 monster will have a 12% chance to resist an incoming critical hit. A level 10 monster will have 40% chance to resist it.

Lifeforce resistance has been lowered on several enemies. This is mainly to make the ''Stone'' effect more likely, and offer benefits over just straight critical hits (KIA). For those not aware, KIA (critical hits) check Death resistance while Stone check Lifeform resistance. Mass death spells, like Death Wish, check both the monster''s Lifeforce and Death resistance.

Most spirit type undead and slimes are set at 50% death resistance by default now. For the success of an instant death type spell (Asphyxiation, Instant Death, etc), it requires the target to fail both the spell''s resistance type (Lifeforce for example in the case of Death Wish), as well as the Death resistance check. For those that weren''t aware, Ninjas get a +5% bonus to critical hits automatically (stacks with weapon and Kirijutsu).

Adjusted party rewarded experience on enemies where difficulty/reward balance was off.

There have been numerous changes to spells in the game. The main purpose is to make them more seemless with Wizardry 7 and 8, but also to correct some imbalances with power, magic schools, and spheres.

There is an image file called "spells.png" that shows the full list of spells, and all associated properties. You may want to refer to that for specifics (it is accurate). Below are a list of SOME of the changes, but not necessarily all...

Before I specify spell changes, it''s important to know class/school association:

Theology (Priests, Lords, and Valkyries)
Theosophy (Psionics and Monks)
Thaumaturgy (Mages and Samurai)
Alchemy (Alchemists, Rangers, and Ninjas)

Spells that can no longer be cast by certain schools:

Whipping Rocks (Blades), Haste, Slow, Locate Object, Hypnotic Lure (Hold Monsters) can no longer be cast by Theology.
Bless can no longer be cast by Theosophy.
Resurrection can no longer be cast by Thaumaturgy.

Spells that can now be cast by additional schools:

Levitate, Prismic Missle, Whirlwind, Anti-Magic, and Make Wounds can now be cast by Theosophy.
Fire Shield and Identify can now be cast by Theology.
Resurrection, Magic Screen, and Ice Shield can now be cast by Alchemy.
Whipping Rocks, Crush and Lifesteal can now be cast by Thaumaturgy.

Note: The reasoning behind the spell adjustments is based on the hit points, potential melee/range damage output, etc. of the character classes. Mages and Psionics are weaker in hit points, and cannot get as good of armor or find as good of weapons in general compared to priests and alchemists. To help offset these disadvantages, the number of spell options have been altered. Here is an overview of the number of possible spells after the changes:

Mages: 40
Psionics: 39
Priests: 36
Alchemists: 34

After balancing, here is the distribution of the number of spells per sphere (learnable by player characters):

Air: 15
Earth: 15
Fire: 16
Water: 17
Mental: 17
Magic: 17

Spells that have been renamed to make consistent with Wizardry 8 (may include adjustments to resistance types, animations, etc as well):

Detect Secret has been renamed to Detect Secrets.
Watchbells has been renamed to Awaken (in order to be more intuitive as to its purpose).
Healthfull has been renamed to Heal All.
Restfull has been renamed to Rest All.
Chilling Touch has been renamed to Frost.
Mental Attack has been renamed to Mind Stab.
Charm has been renamed to Hypnosis since Charm in Wizardry 8 behaves differently (non-combat spell).
Death has been renamed to Instant Death.
Deep Freeze has been renamed to Dehydrate.
Magic Missile has been renamed to Magic Missiles.
Stink Bomb has been renamed to Noxious Fumes.
Toxic Vapors has been renamed to Toxic Cloud.
Blades has been replaced with Tsunami.
Hold Monsters has been replaced with Hypnotic Lure.
Word of Death has been replaced with Falling Stars.
Poison Gas has been replaced with Phantom Darts.
Deadly Air has been replaced with Earthquake.
Psionic Fires has been renamed to Psionic Fire.
Noxious Fumes (the old version) has been replaced with Blizzard.
Prismic Missile has been renamed to Prismic Ray.
Dazzling Lights has been removed since it did the same thing as Prismic Missile.
Spooks has been replaced with Freeze All.
Poison has been replaced with Boiling Blood.
Levitate has become Hazard Shield. Not only does it protect from falling, but many other types of adventure hazards!

Specific changes to spells (only changed values are mentioned, everything else is the same for the spell):

Superman can now also be learned by Theosophy.
Heal All (was Healthfull) now costs 10 spell points per PL instead of 12.
Rest All (was Restfull) now costs 6 spell points per PL instead of 8.
Awaken (was Watchbells) can no longer be learned by Theosophy, but can now be learned by Alchemy. It is now a Magic based spell and can also no longer fizzle.
Sane Mind is now a level 4 spell (was 3).
Zap Undead is now a level 5 spell (was 6) that costs 10 spell points (was 15). It is also now in the Fire realm (was Magic). Still checks Magic resistance on the enemy and does 7-49 damage per PL.
Whirlwind now does 3-9 damage per PL instead of 1-7.
Lifesteal now does 4-16 damage per PL instead of 16-64. Amount healed by the caster increased from (damage/7) to (damage/2). It can also backfire now.
Psionic Blast now affects 10 + Power Level (effectively making it hit a whole group, even if cast at PL 1). It has moved from level 4 to level 5, and spell point increase from 8 to 10 per PL. However, it now does 2-14 damage (like Wizardry 8) instead of 1-7. It still has a chance to cause Insanity.
Iceball now does 2-10 damage per Power Level instead of 3-12.
Acid Splash and Acid Bomb are now Water based spells.
Dehydrate (was Deep Freeze) now does 8-40 damage per Power level instead of 3-30. Spell point cost increased from 6 to 10.
Blink is now a Fire based spell.
Lightning now does 4-16 damage per PL instead of 1-10. It has changed to a level 6 spell (was 5). Spell point cost increased from 8 to 12.
Sleep is now an Air based spell. Resistance type changed from Hypnosis to Air.
Terror is now a Mental based spell.
Holy water now does 6-12 damage per PL instead of 2-8.
Levitate now lasts 50 x PL instead of 5 x PL. Spell point cost decreased from 12 to 10.
Falling Stars (was Word of Death) is no longer a Magic based spell. It is now a level 7 Earth based spell, and the resistance type is Magic. Theology can still cast it.
Make Wounds damage changed from 1-8 to 2-6. Spell point cost decreased from 3 to 2.
Draining Cloud is no longer an Air based spell. It is now a level 6 Magic spell that checks Magic resistance. Does 15-30 stamina drain per PL and costs 12 spell points per PL. Alchemy can still cast it.
Earthquake (was Deadly Air) is no longer an Air based spell. It is now a level 7 Earth spell that checks Missiles resistance. Does 5-25 damage per PL and costs 18 spell points per PL. Alchemy can still cast it.
Crush (was Poison) is no longer an Air based spell. It is now a level 4 Earth spell that checks Missiles resistance. Does 12-24 damage per PL and costs 8 spell points per PL. Alchemy/Thaumaturgy can cast it.
Whipping Rocks now does 2-10 damage per PL instead of 2-8. Alchemy/Thaumaturgy can cast it.
Toxic Cloud (was Toxic Vapors) is now a level 5 spell (was 6). It also has a Poison effect now instead of Nausea, and does 3-9 damage per PL (instead of 2-6).
Noxious Fumes (was Stink Bomb) spell point cost increased from 4 to 5, but number of targets increased from 3 to 4.
Hypnotic Lure (was Hold Monsters) is no longer a Mental based spell. It is now a level 3 Fire spell that still checks Hypnosis resistance.
Firestorm now does 3-12 damage per PL instead of 2-8.
Fireball now does 2-8 damage per PL instead of 2-10.
Blizzard (was Noxious Fumes) is no longer an Air based spell. It is now a level 6 Water spell that requires Cold resistance. It can now blind the enemies as a side effect. It does 4-12 damage per PL and affects 3 + 1 targets per PL. Duration of the Blind effect is 4dPL + PL (twice as long as Blinding Flash).
Haste is no longer a Water based spell. It is now a level 3 Fire spell.
Blinding Flash spell point cost increased from 3 to 5, but number of targets increased from 1 + 1 / PL to 3 + 1 / PL.
Magic Missiles number of targets increased from 1 + 1 / PL to 2 + 1 / PL.
Web is now a level 2 spell (was 3). It now checks Missiles resistance instead of Paralyze resistance, but the end result is still the Paralyzed condition.
Paralyze is now a level 1 Water spell (was 4). Spell point cost decreased from 5 to 3. Duration increased from 1d (2x PL) + PL to 2d (2x PL) + PL.
Wizard Eye is now a level 3 spell (was 4). Spell point cost decreased to 5 (was 10). It can also no longer Fizzle.
Enchanted Blade now lasts 100 per PL, up from 35.
Armorplate now lasts 100 per PL, up from 50.
Detect Secret now lasts 100 per PL, up from 50.
Confusion is now Insanity. Alchemy can no longer cast it, and it''s only available to Theosophy. It affects 3 + 1 per PL, but duration has decreased from 2 rounds per PL to 1 round per PL. Spell point cost decreased from 6 to 5 per PL. Also changed the animation and sound to match Psionic Blast.
Death Cloud is now Air resistance check instead of Lifeforce.
Tsunami (was Blades) is no longer an Air based spell. It is now a level 7 Water spell available only to Alchemy. Acid resistance check for the targets. It does 3-27 damage per PL and affects 10 targets (single group).
Remove Curse is now a level 4 spell (instead of 5) and costs 8 spell points per PL.
Phantom Darts (was Poison Gas) is no longer an Air based spell. It is now a level 2 Earth spell that checks Poison resistance. Side effect is that it can cause poisoning. Does 1 damage per PL and costs 4 spell points per PL. Theosophy can still cast it.
Freeze All (was Spooks) is no longer an Mental based spell. It is now a level 5 Water spell that checks Cold resistance. Side effect is that it causes paralysis to all monsters that fail to resist, for 1dPL + PL rounds. It costs 12 spell points per PL. Thaumaturgy is the only school that can cast it. Warning, this CAN backfire!
Tsunami (was Blades) is no longer an Air based spell. It is now a level 7 Water spell available only to Alchemy. Acid resistance check for the targets. It does 3-27 damage per PL and affects 10 targets (single group).
Boiling Blood (was Poison) is no longer an Air based spell. It is now a level 6 Fire spell available only to Alchemy. Fire resistance check for the target. It does 4-36 damage per PL to a single target.
Instant Death is now a Magic based spell (instead of Mental based).
Magic Screen is now a level 3 spell intead of 4. Spell point cost decreased to 6 (was 8).
Alchemists can now cast Invisibility (the spell could only be cast from an item before). It is considered a level 4 Air spell and costs 8 spell points per PL.
Modified the internal "Protected by Levitation" message to now say "Protected by Hazard Shield".
Holy Water now harms only Undead (did also harm Demons).
Dispel Undead now checks Magic resistance (was Lifeforce).
Prismic Missile''s "Dead" random condition now checks Death resistance instead of Lifeforce. The "Stone" random condition still uses Lifeforce.

Just some notes on what spells the various "Shield" spells protect the party from:

Air Pocket: Shrill Sound, Noxious Fumes, Whirlwind, Toxic Cloud, Asphyxiation, Death Cloud, Sleep

Ice Shield: Frost, Weaken, Slow, Iceball, Dehydrate, Blizzard, Freeze All

Fire Shield: Energy Blast, Psionic Fire, Fireball, Fire Bomb, Lightning, Firestorm, Nuclear Blast, Boiling Blood

Missile Shield: Some shoot and throw attacks, Earthquake, Whipping Rocks, Web, Crush.

Fixes/enhancements/quality of life improvements from patches via Cosmic Forge editor (a few more transparent ones are also applies, but not important to be mentioned to the player):

~ The current Stamina is displayed correctly at all times.
~ The Nausea and Silence conditions are always displayed.
~ Disease and Nausea conditions use distinctive icons.

~ While Traveling or Resting a diseased Character does NOT gradually recover from impermanent Ailments, nor he recovers HP, Stamina or Mana.
~ In Combat a diseased Creature recovers NO points from impermanent Ailments, nor it recovers any Stamina while Asleep or when taking Rest action.

~ When a Creature is Poisoned, the new Poison Strength is applied ONLY if it is STRONGER than the ongoing one.

~ Items can have the original Special Powers
~ Items can have the following additional Special Powers:
Increase a Skill by 1d4+2
Increase Mana Regeneration by 1
Reduce Miss Chance by 1d5

~ A Personal Skill can be improved during the Character creation or when gaining a level if:
the Character already has points in that Skill
that Skill is a Class Skill for the Character

~ Long Weapons with image 11 or 37 (Bows) can only shoot Missiles with image 22 (Arrows).
~ Long Weapons with image 12 (Crossbows) can only shoot Missiles with image 83 (Bolts).
~ Long Weapons with image 13 (Slings) can only shoot Missiles with image 23 (Sling Bullets).
~ Long Weapons with image 117 (Free Slot) can only shoot Missiles with image 125 (Free Slot).
~ Long Weapons with other images will not work.

~ Initiative Modifiers calculation at the end of Combat Round is CORRECT.
~ Initiative Modifiers from the Items equipped in Character''s hands are used in combat to modify the Character''s Base Initiative.
~ High Initiative Modifier (from Spells and ''Snake speed'' skill) results in an extra Attack (capped at 4).
~ Character Level''s contribution to the Base Initiative is capped at 15.

~ In Combat, during the actions selection phase, Party''s Shields and their Strength levels are displayed. Shield icons: Fire is red, Ice is blue, Missile is brown and Air is violet. The displayed Strength level is calculated as [<Shield Strength>/15 + 1].
~ In Combat, during the actions selection phase, Party''s Anti-magic and Clouds are displayed, using distinct icon and color combinations.

~ Evasion Base AC improvement from high Speed are as follows: -1 at 16, -2 at 18 and -3 at 20.
~ The base AC for the Character''s five Armor (Anti-penetration) ACs is +10.
~ Skill ''Reflextion'' improves Evasion Base AC by Skill/20+1 (max 6).
~ Tiredness and Encumbrance penalties are added only to the Evasion AC.
~ The ''Armorplate'' Spell''s bonus and the Encumbrance penalty ARE TAKEN into account when Character is attacked by another Character.
~ ''Mind control'' Skill adds Skill/5 (max 20) to the base ''Hypnosis'' and ''Psionic'' resistances.
~ ''Mind control'' Skill does not reduce Efficiency of any Effects.
~ Race ''Felpurr'' receives ''Nimble'' Feature: Grants -2 bonus to Evasion AC.
~ Race ''Felpurr'' receives ''Thick Fur'' Feature: Grants -2 bonus to Armor (Anti-penetration) AC.
~ Race ''Rawulf'' receives ''Thick Fur'' Feature: Grants -2 bonus to Armor (Anti-penetration) AC.
~ Race ''Mook'' receives ''Thick Fur'' Feature: Grants -2 bonus to Armor (Anti-penetration) AC.
~ Race ''Lizardman'' receives ''Scaly Skin'' Feature: Grants -2 bonus to Armor (Anti-penetration) AC.
~ Race ''Dracon'' receives ''Scaly Skin'' Feature: Grants -2 bonus to Armor (Anti-penetration) AC.
~ Class ''Monk'' has ''Dodge'' Feature: Grants ''Ninjutsu''/20 Evasion AC bonus (max 5).
~ Class ''Ninja'' has ''Dodge'' Feature: Grants ''Ninjutsu''/20 Evasion AC bonus (max 5).
~ Class ''Thief'' receives ''Dodge'' Feature: Grants ''Ninjutsu''/20 Evasion AC bonus (max 5).
~ Class ''Ranger'' receives ''Dodge'' Feature: Grants ''Ninjutsu''/20 Evasion AC bonus (max 5).
~ Class ''Bard'' receives ''Dodge'' Feature: Grants ''Ninjutsu''/20 Evasion AC bonus (max 5).
~ Class ''Fighter'' receives ''Armor Mastery'' Feature: Grants 25% Armor (Anti-penetration) AC bonus from equipped Armor.
~ Monsters of Class ''Fighter'' receive ''Armor Mastery'' Feature: Grants 25% Armor (Anti-penetration) AC bonus from equipped Armor.

~ Monster Resistance 251 is treated as complete Immunity to any effect or damage that use this Resistance.
~ The following Classes (including Monsters) receive the following Features:
~ Class ''Fighter'' receives ''Fearless'' Feature: Grants immunity to Fear effect.
~ Class ''Alchemist'' receives ''Antidote Blood'' Feature: Grants immunity to Poison effect.
~ Class ''Psionic'' receives ''Stable Mind'' Feature: Grants immunity to Insanity effect.
~ Class ''Valkyrie'' receives ''Hardened'' Feature: Grants immunity to Nausea and Irritation effects.
~ Class ''Lord'' receives ''Vigor'' Feature: Grants HP Regeneration +1.
~ Race ''Elf'' receives ''Enchant Missile'' Feature: Grants +5% Plyze with Missile Weapons.
~ Race ''Lizardman'' receives ''Furious Strike'' Feature: Grants +5% Ko in Close Combat.

~ When equipped, the Items'' Regeneration properties stack.

~ When playing a Musical Instrument:
If ''Music'' Skill is less than [(<Spell Level> - 1)*16], then the performance fails.
Spell Power = (<Character Level>/3 + 1)/2 (max 4).
~ Class ''Bard'' receives ''Tunes of Magic'' Feature: Grants Musical Instrument Spell Power equal to <Level>/3 + 1 (max 7).

~ During character creation, chances to get Attribute bonus points:
1d19+7 (8-26) points is 94.737 in 100 (18 in 19)
1d4+7 (8-11) points is 5.263 in 100 (1 in 19)

This is what it used to be:
1d4+7 (8-11) points is 66.667 in 100 (800 in 1200)
1d6+4 (5-10) points is 31.583 in 100 (379 in 1200)
1d6+12 (13-18) points is 1.667 in 100 (20 in 1200)
1d6+20 (21-26) points is 0.083 in 100 (1 in 1200)

~ When equipping a Long range Weapon (Bow, Crossbow, Sling) and a Missile (Arrows, Bolts, Sling Stones & Bullets) both the Weapon''s and the Missile''s Weapon Effects are being used and the Weapon''s Slaying Ability is used if the Missile does not have one.
~ Damage bonuses from high Strength are as follows:
Primary Hand with no weapon or 1-handed weapon: +1 at 16, +2 at 18 and +3 at 20.
Secondary Hand with no weapon or 1-handed weapon: +1 at 18.
Primary Hand with 2-handed weapon: +1 at 15, +2 at 16, +3 at 17, +4 at 18, +5 at 19 and +6 at 20.
~ To Hit bonuses from high Dexterity are as follows:
Primary Hand: +1 at 16, +2 at 18 and +3 at 20.
Secondary Hand: +1 at 18.

~ Learning a Spell from a Spellbook increases the Character''s Mana in the Spell''s Sphere by the Spells'' Mana cost

~ If Character''s Target Monster is unavailable (dead, hidden, invisible or blinked out), the Character can attack another AVAILABLE Monster.
~ In Combat Monster Groups with hidden Monsters are displayed with "!" symbol (right after the number of Monsters in that Group).
~ Class ''Thief'' receives ''Ambush Expert'' Feature: Grants <Level>% chance to Hide and get Initiative bonus +5 before Combat starts.
~ Class ''Thief'' receives ''Stealth Combat'' Feature: Grants [<Level>/2]% chance (max 10) to Hide at the end of every Combat Round.
~ Monsters of ''Thief'' Class or with ''Rogue'' behaviour receive the same Features, but the chances are doubled.

~ Hidden Monsters may surprise or backstab any Character in the Party.
~ Monsters choose Attacks with the appropriate Range to reach the Party.
~ When a Monster does not have an appropriate Attack, it does the following (in that order):
- Casts a Spell (if it can)
- Uses Special Attack (if it can)
- Does nothing
~ If Creature''s Target Character is unavailable (dead, hidden, invisible or blinked out), the Creature can attack any available Character (limited to the 1st row, if the Target was in the 1st row, but if nobody in the 1st row is available, the Creature can attack any available Character from the 2nd row).
~ Monsters have Spell Power capped at 7.
~ Monsters have Special Attack Power capped at 7.

~ 1 hour of Rest recovers ((<Mana Regeneration> + max(0, (Piety - 14) / 2)) * (<Level> / 4 + 1)) / 2 + 1 Mana.
The previous vanilla formula was: ~ 1 hour of Rest recovers (1dX - 1) Mana, where X = (<Mana Regeneration> + 1).

Valkyrie now has some starting Death resistance, and also gains some per level.

Updated the Fighter class so chance to hit is greater at level 1, but chance to hit at later levels will be lower over all. This is to help balance the increased number of attacks they get.

Made Valkyrie Mana affected by Piety, then Intelligence (was Piety/Vitality).

Made Priest Mana effected by Piety, then Personality (was Piety/Vitality).

Made Psionic Mana affected by Intelligence, then Personality (was Intelligence/Piety).

Just a few strategy concepts to think about when you play the game:

While powders, dusts, and bombs can appear expensive, they do provide some flexibility compare to invoking items/scrolls. I''ve listed some advantages below:

Advantages of powders, dusts, and bombs:
1) They can be equipped and then thrown, in which case you can actually have multiple attacks per round! In fact, you can even throw some from the "off hand". When thrown, they will almost never miss, and can''t backfire/fizzle.
2) They can be "Used" in combat, which utilizes the Artifacts skill. If you have a character more skilled with Artifacts, they can take advantage this way. Also doesn''t hog up inventory slots because they don''t need to be equipped for use.
3) Since some can hit multiple enemies, and you can have multiple attacks per round, you can cause a lot of chaos quickly compared to a spellcaster casting the same spell.
4) Many can be combined/stacked in order to save inventory slots.
5) Since all classes/races can use these, class/race is never an issue (like it is for invokable items).
6) Doesn''t use much stamina.

Advantages of scrolls:
1) Very large variety of spells compared to powders, dusts, and bombs.
2) Always uses the "Scribing" skill. This means you can basically turn any character class into a "jack of all trades" spellcaster.
3) Each scroll has 4 charges, and they''re very light in weight.
4) They are very cheap to buy from NPCs, so you can get a good variety of spells quickly.
5) Can be recharged with the Recharge spell!
6) Since all classes/races can use these, class/race is never an issue (like it is for invokable items).
7) Doesn''t use much stamina.

Advantages of items:
1) Some items have a large number of charges, and power level of the spell can vary. Scrolls for example always have power level 4, but items can be anywhere from 1 to 7.
2) Some items can have unlimited charges!
3) Can be recharged with the Recharge spell!
4) Can have a special "Invokable" power when equipped (like permanently raising dexterity for example).
5) When equipped, may give bonuses to resistance, armor class, hit point regen, etc.
6) Musical instruments always have unlimited charges, and uses the Bard''s Music skill to determine power level.
7) Doesn''t use much stamina.

Advantage of spells:
1) Can control power level (and risk).
2) Don''t need anything equipped obviously, takes up no inventory slots.
3) Doesn''t cost any money (unless buying a spellbook to learn the spell).
4) Can learn at level up time.
5) Can sell any found charged items to make more money.

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