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Forum: Ultima Online

27.09.2021 19:34

Ultima Online

Chciałem tylko napisać post New World, aby podłączyć serwer UO, na którym spędziłem setki godzin.

UO Rubieże. To darmowa, zmodyfikowana wersja Ultima Online z kilkoma dodanymi nowymi systemami, mapami, potworami itp.

Rzadko o tym wspominam, więc jeśli przekazujesz New World i chcesz zagrać w starą grę z kreatorami pikseli w stylu retro, sprawdź to.

Nie mam nic do zyskania publikując to, chciałem tylko rzucić trochę miłości na serwer. Włożyli dużo pracy w sprawianie, by było to zabawne dla ludzi, a ja spędziłem tam prawie 2 lata i grałem tam.

02.10.2021 03:09

I just wanted to write a New World post to hook up the UO server I had spent hundreds of hours on.

UO Rubieże. It's a free, modified version of Ultima Online with some new systems, maps, monsters, etc. added.

I rarely mention it so if you donate New World and want to play an old retro pixel maker game then check it out.

I have nothing to gain by posting this, just wanted to shed some love on the server. They put a lot of work into making it fun for people and I spent almost 2 years there and pl I just wanted to write a New World post to hook up the UO server I had spent hundreds of hours on.

UO Rubieże. It's a free, modified version of Ultima Online with some new systems, maps, monsters, etc. added.

I rarely mention it so if you donate New World and want to play an old retro pixel maker game then check it out.

I have nothing to gain by posting this, just wanted to shed some love on the server. They put a lot of work into making it fun for people and I spent almost 2 years there and played there. ayed there. [link]
issue got solved

post wyedytowany przez welonjeti 2021-10-02 03:10:25
Forum: Ultima Online