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Forum: Xbox Series X tak samo bezgłośne jak Xbox One X

13.08.2020 11:12

Xbox Series X tak samo bezgłośne jak Xbox One X

Phil Spencer said that on this past weekend he got to take home the final retail version of the Xbox Series X complete with packaging. “Brought it home and opened it up. I want to have that same experience that people will have at home. I put the batteries in the controller, everything is just as somebody will buy it in a retail story. There’s nothing debug or employee about it”. said Spencer.

Speaking about the Xbox Series X design, Phil Spencer said “On both the GPU and CPU side, these consoles are powerful computers essentially. I wanted a large fan that we could spin a little more slowly so that we’re not making noise. I wanted to make a really quiet console. I love what what we had done with the Xbox One X and the quietness of the console is something we focused on”.

Speaking about actually playing the Xbox Series X, Spencer said:When I put the Series X in place of my One X, there was no more noise than what I saw with the One X and a lot more power. You literally just plug it in, right in place and get such a big upgrade. All my games are working and it sounds just like my Xbox One X did, with a lot more power”.

Świetna wiadomość.

Czekam jeszcze tylko żeby w PS5 cewki nie piszczały tak jak to obecnie jest z PS4. W konkretnych tytułach to bzyczenie jest mocno irytujące. Tylko z konsolą Sony jest tak, że sama w sobie jest głośna więc mało kto zwraca na to uwagę.

13.08.2020 13:54
Mr. JaQb
Mr. JaQb

Czekamy na relacje użytkowników po premierze, a nie brednie od złotoustego Phila.

Forum: Xbox Series X tak samo bezgłośne jak Xbox One X