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Dragon's Dogma - poradnik do gry

Dragon's Dogma - poradnik do gry

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Strzały | Lista przedmiotów do utworzenia w Dragon's Dogma Dragon's Dogma poradnik, solucja

Ostatnia aktualizacja: 6 sierpnia 2019


Przedmiot wyjściowy [ilość]

Składnik 1

Składnik 2

Opis produktu

Blast Arrow [5]

Beech Branch


Strzała wybuchająca przy trafieniu celu, może podpalić cel (Burning)

Blast Arrow [5]

Beech Branch

Necrophagous Loin


Blast Arrow [10]

Beech Branch



Blast Arrow [15]

Beech Branch

Ember Crystal


Blinder Arrow [10]


Festival Pie

Strzała oślepiająca przeciwnika (Blindness)

Blinder Arrow [10]

Chestnut Branch

(Kept) Rotten Berry


Blinder Arrow [10]

Chestnut Branch

(Kept) Rotten Egg


Blinder Arrow [10]

Chestnut Branch

(Kept) Rotten Twigbean


Blinder Arrow [20]

Chestnut Branch



Blinder Arrow [20]

Chestnut Branch

Festival Pie


Blinder Arrow [30]

Chestnut Branch

Spurious Wing


Oil Arrow [5]


Flask of Oil

Strzała olejowa, ułatwia podpalenie celu (Tarring)

Oil Arrow [10]


Flask of Oil


Oil Arrow [10]

Cedar Branch

(Kept) Rotten Scrag of Beast


Oil Arrow [20]

Cedar Branch

Flask of Oil


Oil Arrow [20]

Cedar Branch

(Kept) Sour Scrag of Beast


Oil Arrow [20]

Pine Branch

(Kept) Rotten Beast-Steak


Oil Arrow [30]

Pine Branch

Backfat Oil


Oil Arrow [30]

Pine Branch

Oak Leaf Oil


Oil Arrow [40]

Pine Branch

(Kept) Sour Beast-Steak


Petrifying Arrow [10]

Beech Branch


Strzała petryfikująca, pozwala zamienić większość przeciwników w kamień (Petrification)

Petrifying Arrow [20]

Beech Branch

Leaden Globe


Petrifying Arrow [20]

Beech Branch

Cockatrice Beak


Posion Arrow [5]


Poison Flask

Strzała zatruwająca cel (Posion)

Posion Arrow [10]

Cedar Branch

Spider Venom


Posion Arrow [10]


Poison Flask


Posion Arrow [20]

Cedar Branch

Avernal Mushroom


Posion Arrow [20]

Cedar Branch

Stagnant Shroom


Posion Arrow [20]

Cedar Branch



Posion Arrow [20]

Cedar Branch

Poison Flask


Posion Arrow [30]

Pine Branch

Poison Sac


Posion Arrow [40]

Cedar Branch



Posion Arrow [50]

Pine Branch

Yellow Poison Sac


Silencer Arrow [10]

Chestnut Branch


Strzała uniemożliwia celowi czarowanie (Silence)

Silencer Arrow [10]

Chestnut Branch

Miasmite Shard


Silencer Arrow [30]

Chestnut Branch



Sleeper Arrow [10]

Pine Branch

Harpy Pinion

Strzała usypia i spowalnia cel (Sleep)

Sleeper Arrow [20]

Pine Branch

Glacial Pinion